Services Skin Clinic

Home Breast Reduction


Women with very large breasts and pendulums can experience a range of medical problems caused by excessive overweight.


Women with very large breasts and pendulums can experience a range of medical problems caused by excessive overweight. The problems vary from back and neck pain, and skin irritation to respiratory problems and skeletal deformities. Bra straps can leave fingerprints on shoulders. And even unusually large breasts can make a woman or teenager feel extremely insecure.
Breast reduction, technically known as reduction mammoplasty, is a procedure designed for these women. The procedure reduces the fat, glandular tissue and skin of the breast, making them lighter, smaller and firmer. It can also reduce the size of the areola, the dark skin that surrounds the nipple. The goal is to give the woman smaller breasts, with better shape and more proportionate to the rest of the body.


The so-called Mommy Makeover is a unique procedure in the sense that they are actually a personalized combination of several cosmetic treatments in one. It is emerging as a fashion promoted by great international artists who have just become mothers and want to recover the perfection of their body after giving birth. Actually, Mommy Makeover is a set of interventions of plastic surgery, – three, to be exact – whose purpose is to recover the shape and smoothness of the breasts, a completely flat abdomen and eliminate excess fat, especially in the thighs and abdomen.

  • Breast reduction is usually done to obtain physical relief beyond simple cosmetic improvement. The majority of women who demand this surgery have problems because their excessively large and unoccupied breasts restrict their activity and cause great physical discomfort. In most cases, breast reduction is not performed until the woman is fully developed; however, it may be necessary sooner if large breasts are causing serious problems. The best candidates are those who are mature enough to understand the procedure and have realistic expectations about the results. If breast reduction is your medical necessity, it can be sponsored by insurance companies who pay for breast reduction, however, they may require that a certain amount of breast tissue is removed. Photographs will be taken which will be used for the pre-authorization process with your insurance company. In case you have the support of insurane company, our office will contact your insurance company to obtain pre-authorization

Breast reduction is not a simple operation, however, it is safe when performed by a qualified plastic surgeon. Either way, like any surgery, there is always the possibility of generally mild complications that includes bleeding, some infection and reaction to the anesthesia. Slow or poor wound healing along the suture line as well as fat necrosis is a possibility, especially in association with obesity, diabetes and smoking.You can reduce your risk by carefully following our advice before and after surgery. The procedure leaves permanent scars, although they are covered by the swimsuit or the bra. (Problems with scarring and wide scars are more frequent in smokers; hence we recommend our patients to stop smoking for at least 6 weeks before and after surgery) The procedure usually prevents breastfeeding because surgery removes many of the tubes that lead milk to the nipple. Anyway, in this and in other aspects it is preferable to consult your particular case with us.
Some patients may experience a permanent loss of sensation in their nipples. Very occasionally, the nipple and areola can lose their blood supply and experience necrosis requiring reconstruction later. These problems usually occur in particularly large breasts and in patients with certain conditions. It is convenient that these risks are particularized in each case.

In your first consultation, it is important that you discuss your expectations with us, and listen to our opinions. Each patient has their different points of view about what is the optimal shape and the size of the breast. We will examine and measure your breasts, and you will probably be photographed for references during and after the surgery. We will discuss the variables that may affect the procedure, such as your age, the size and shape of your breasts, and the conditions of your skin. We will also discuss where the nipple and areola should be positioned; These structures will rise during the procedure, and should be placed approximately at the level of the submammary fold.
We will describe the procedure in detail, explaining its risks and limitations and the scars that remain and their location. We will also explain the type of anesthesia used, where the intervention and the costs of the intervention will be carried out. Large breasts can cause physical discomfort, some medical problems, marks on the shoulders by the bra, and a significant loss of self-esteem.

Sometimes we will need a mammography (breast x-ray) prior to surgery. We do have facilities for that. You should also follow our instructions on how to prepare for the intervention, including periods of fasting on the day of surgery, habits such as smoking, the intake of certain medications and vitamins. Breast reduction does not usually require blood transfusion. However, in exceptional cases, we may recommend autotransfusion. In this way, if required, we could use your own blood.
It is important to be accompanied by a responsible adult during the first days, since at the beginning you need someone to help you, until you can make your normal life.

Breast reduction surgery must be performed in a hospital, and generally under general anesthesia. The surgery usually lasts two to three hours.

Breast reduction is almost always done under general anesthesia. She will be asleep during the entire intervention.

The techniques for breast reduction vary, but the most common way scar leaves around the areola, which extends downward, and follows the submammary fold. We remove excess fat, glandular tissue and skin, and move the areola and nipple to its new position. Afterwards, the breast is sutured, giving it a new shape. Sometimes we can use liposuction to remove excess fat from some areas. In most cases, the nipple remains with its vessels and nerves. However, if the breasts are very large or pendulous, the nipple and areolae can be lifted and grafted in a new position. (This will lead to loss of sensation in the nipple and areolar tissue.) The sutures are usually located around the areola, in a vertical line from this down, and along the inframammary fold. Sometimes, techniques that eliminate the horizontal part of the scar can be used. And occasionally you can use only liposuction to reduce the size, leaving minimal scars.

  • After the surgery, you will wear an elastic bandage. A small tube is placed in each breast to drain blood and fluids for a day or two. Subsequently, the tubes will be removed by our staff in our office during a post-operative visit and the bandage will be replaced by a sports bra. You may feel discomfort during the first few days, especially when moving or coughing, and some discomfort for a week or two. We will give you medication to reduce discomfort.
    The bandages will be removed a day or two after the surgery, although you will continue to wear a sports bra for several weeks, until the swelling goes away. The sutures will be removed in about two weeks.
    If your breast’s skin is very dry after surgery, you can apply a moisturizer several times a day. But be sure to keep the suture area dry. Your first period after surgery can cause your breasts to swell and bother. You may also experience some subjective discomfort during the first few months. Likewise, you can expect some loss of sensitivity in the nipple and in the skin of the breast caused by the edema after surgery. These are attenuated by six months postoperatively, and occasionally it may be permanent. The incisions delimit the area of skin, the breast tissue, and the fat that must be removed and the new position of the nipple. The skin and gland are sutured to give the new shape to the breast. The stitches close the incisions giving the breast its new contour. The scars around the areola, below it, and in the midriff fold are permanent, but can easily be hidden by clothing.
  • Although you can live a normal life in a day or two, your breasts will bother you for a week or two. You should avoid lifting or pushing heavy things for three or four weeks. We will give you detailed instructions to resume your normal activities. Most women can return to work and normal social activity in two weeks. But you must be a little careful and limit your physical exercise until you are progressively recovered completely. Mind that the surgery will affect your stamina for several weeks, so you should limit your exercise to stretching, bending, and swimming until your energy level returns. You should also wear a good sports bra to hold the chest. A small amount of exudate from your wound is normal, as well as some scabs. If you have abnormal symptoms, such as bleeding or severe pain, contact us.
  • Although most of the inflammation goes away in the first few weeks, it can go from six months to a year until your breasts stabilize in their new form. Even then, your form may fluctuate in response to hormonal stimuli, weight changes, and pregnancy. We will strive to make your scars as inconspicuous as possible. However, it is important to remember that breast reduction scars are permanent. These often remain red and hardened for months, and then fade to eventually reach the state of white lines with a massage of vitamin E into the healed incision lines. Fortunately the scars are placed in areas that are hidden with normal clothes and bathing suits. Of all the procedures in plastic surgery, breast reduction is what allows you to see faster changes in body image. It will be a great physical discomfort for the size of the breasts to make your body look better proportioned, and the clothes feel better.



Face Surgery



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Breast Reduction in a Nutshell

Surgery Length

2 – 3 Hours

Average Cost

$__________ Plus HST

Surgery Length

2 – 3 Hours

Pain Factor

Synopsis of Surgery:

Breast reduction or reduction mammoplasty is a surgery that aims to reduce the size of the breasts. The reduction and remodeling of the breast is achieved by removing skin, breast tissue and fatty tissue. With this technique a firm, light, well-designed and harmonious breast is achieved.

Alternative Names:



General Anesthesia


3 – 6 days off from work
4 – 6 weeks before resuming physical exercise

Free Consulation

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I had massive confidence issues that had a very negative impact on my career so I decided to set up an appointment with LHS just to discuss my options. From day one, I felt taken care of. I was never offered anything I didn't need and every procedure was explained to me in full detail. I am so happy with the results. I feel like a new me and I have the team at LHS to thank for it.   ⠀

Nadia Eckles - Legal Associate

Service is Outstanding!

I have had back pain issues for the last decade. I had tried everything before I met with the LHS team who did a whole history and came to the conclusion that I needed a breast lift and reduction surgery. They were so right! The surgery has changed my life and I feel younger and more energetic. It was a great experience with true professionals. Thank you!

Catherine Hart - Housewife

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