Services Skin Clinic



Women with very large breasts and pendulums can experience a range of medical problems caused by excessive overweight.


The microneedling therapy is a minimally invasive induction of collagen, which promises to make us look younger, reduce the appearance of scars and leave the skin smoother.The dermapen is an electronic device that uses multiple fine needles to pierce the skin, the platelet-rich plasma solution is applied at this time, this remodels the collagen and improves skin rejuvenation, helps to improve acne scars, wrinkles, fine lines, striae, open pores, in addition to improving the texture and firmness of the skin. During the treatment, topical, painless anesthesia is used.


The so-called Mommy Makeover is a unique procedure in the sense that they are actually a personalized combination of several cosmetic treatments in one. It is emerging as a fashion promoted by great international artists who have just become mothers and want to recover the perfection of their body after giving birth. Actually, Mommy Makeover is a set of interventions of plastic surgery, – three, to be exact – whose purpose is to recover the shape and smoothness of the breasts, a completely flat abdomen and eliminate excess fat, especially in the thighs and abdomen.

  • Anyone with moderate loss of tone or elasticity of the skin can benefit from Dermapen Microneedlin with PRP, as well as those with mild to medium acne scars. Dermapen is normally used for the face intended for problems of: • Acne scars • Age spots (also called “sun spots”) • Lines of expression and wrinkles • Large pores • Other types of scars • Reduced skin elasticity • Uneven skin tone Scars on other parts of the body can also be treated with this procedure. However, Dermapen is mainly used on the face. You may be an ideal candidate for this procedure if you are in good health and have certain skin problems that have not responded to other treatments or other types of dermatological procedures, such as peels or dermabrasions. To determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment, our board certified doctors will review your health history and perform an examination during your consultation.

Microneedling, also known as skin puncture, or “collagen induction therapy,” is a non-abrasive, non-chemical procedure that uses a device lined with fine needles to create controlled punctures on the skin’s surface. Your body reacts to these perforations producing new collagen and elastin to repair the channels.

Dermapen is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that is used to treat skin problems through the production of collagen. Also known as collagen induction therapy, this treatment can help those looking to reduce the appearance of acne scars and blackheads. It is also used in certain anti-aging procedures to treat wrinkles and expression marks thanks to the dermoregeneration that occurs, generating an increase in collagen and elastin production. In this way we activate the preventive process for future wrinkles, offering a younger and radiant face. Acne can affect all skin types and all ages. Hormones can stimulate excess sebum production and in turn excess oil and waste combined can get trapped in the pore. If the pore becomes blocked, acne bacteria can cause inflammation. Through the Dermapen treatment we open these pores and activate the absorption in 75% more than if other treatments are performed individually.

The platelets release the growth factors that are responsible primarily for stimulating cell regeneration, increase the formation of new blood vessels and produce new tissue. That is, they activate the organism in the area where they are released, helping to rebuild the damaged tissue, a restorative effect that is used to rejuvenate the skin. One of the growth factors, called « epidermal growth factor «, was the 1st to be isolated: it stimulates angiogenesis and increases the thickness of the skin, restoring its elasticity and firmness, also increases the vascularization of the area where it is applied, favoring the appearance of new skin, diminishing the effects on it of cellular oxidation and eliminating wrinkles. So today, the magnificent results obtained with its application to accelerate the healing of burns, treat keloids, acne and stretch marks, improve the results of treatments of all kinds (including surgical), promote the consolidation of skin grafts, as well as the post-peeling application or as a base treatment incorporated into cosmetics, continue to amaze the experts. It is a natural and physiological treatment that uses our own proteins, selected and concentrated, to repair the damage caused by the passage of time or by sun damage. Being a product obtained from the patient, we have no risk of allergies or intolerances to it.

Dermapen is a treatment that consists of a head that provides micro lesions to the dermis allowing the micro-skin channels to transport up to 80% more nutrients. In this way it allows a deep penetration of active ingredients such as vitamins or PRP in skin fibroblasts. This increases the absorption of beneficial ingredients for cell regeneration. Thanks to this treatment, up to 1920 fractional microchannels per second are created that penetrate the deeper layers of the skin. What triggers a natural response of the healing organism or what we call cutaneous regeneration, in addition to an intense absorption of the applied assets. Dermapen works by stimulating the skin to produce more collagen. The idea is that the punctures during the treatment cause slight injuries in the skin and that the skin responds by making a new tissue rich in collagen. This new skin tissue is, in turn, more uniform in tone and texture. It is normal for the dermis to lose collagen because of age or because of an injury. By empowering the dermis to regenerate, we help the new tissue obtain those nutrients necessary to improve the quality of the skin and show a firmer and brighter face.

To start the treatment, a skin cleansing is performed and then an anesthetic cream is applied for 30 minutes. The anesthetic cream is removed and the skin is cleaned again. During the procedure, our expert doctor performs small punctures under the skin with a tool similar to a pen or micro needle, which we call Dermapen. The punctures are so small that you probably will not notice them after treatment. The doctor will move the tool evenly over the skin so that the new skin rejuvenates and becomes firmer, thus performing multiple punctures. During the treatment, it alternates with the infiltration of active PRP to potentiate cellular recovery. The treatment usually lasts about 30 minutes and after the treatment the expert doctor can apply a serum or a soothing treatment.

Before the procedure, our expert doctor will advise you the best recommendations for natural results. Our surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for the treatment, include guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, taking or avoiding safe medications, and washing your face. You may need to stop taking certain medications, such as ibuprofen and those for acne treatment, long before treatment. Your doctor may also recommend that you stop using topical retinoids. If you do, you can reduce the risk of certain side effects. It is also advisable to Avoid direct sunlight in the area of the skin that is going to be treated with PRP.

  • This treatment can be done with topical anesthesia to reduce the chances of pain. The anesthetic cream is applied approximately one hour before your treatment in order to gently desensitize the area treated.
  • After the treatment, there will be mild redness for 12-24 hours and the skin will be dry. The use of moisturizer is ideal as it will soften the skin while accelerating the recovery process. These creams should not have paraben. Mineral makeup can be used the day after treatment. Also note that there will be a gradual improvement of the skin due to the increment of new collagen that has been created after the stimulation of the secretory cells.
  • Thanks to the unique composition of the preparation intended for treatment, which is 100% biocompatible, there is no need for an postoperative care. The effects are visible immediately, but after 3-4 months a medical consultation is recommended to assess the condition of the skin. If necessary, a complementary procedure can be performed. Returning to daily activities is possible without the need for recovery. If there are adverse reactions (redness, swelling, pain), they usually disappear spontaneously after 2-3 days.
  • It is a treatment that will improve the texture of our skin, you will notice it more dense and luminous after a few days of undergoing the treatment. It is not a treatment that gives you a drastic change, but an improvement in the quality of your tissue. It is also ideal as a prevention before noticing major symptoms of aging. Perform punctual sessions of plasma will retard aging.
  • As we have mentioned above, the side effects of this treatment are practically nil or nonexistent. However, in certain cases, especially in those whose skin may be slightly more sensitive than normal, a minimum redness and warmth in the treated areas may occur, which disappear after 3 to 4 days. The only side effects that occur after undergoing treatment with platelet-rich plasma are produced by infiltration. When the technique is done with a needle, it generates small discontinuities in the surface of the skin due to the injection of the plasma, which will produce the redness of the area. Sometimes during the procedure small capillaries are reached and some unimportant hematomas arise that usually reabsorb in the course of 4-5 days. Beyond these small inconveniences, as I mentioned, produced by the infiltration technique, the PRP will not produce any side effects. The treatment with PRP on the face is done through infiltrations by Dermapen. This supposes that the surface of the skin is altered due to the injections produced by the needle, this generates small damages in the epidermis, which leads to a generalized reddening of the area, swelling and sometimes small bruises. These signs are accompanied by a burning sensation, which usually resolves to the day after treatment. The redness of the face and swelling takes an average of 2-3 days to disappear, it is advised as I mentioned earlier the use of creams with arnica to alleviate these signs, it also goes very well to help reabsorb the possible bruises.
  • Dermapen is not invasive like plastic surgery, so the recovery time is minimal. Most people require very little downtime. You may notice irritation and redness of the skin in the first days after treatment. This is a natural response to the small “injuries” caused by needles in the dermis. Some people apply make-up to decrease redness during the first few days as the redness dissipates. Your skin will also be more sensitive to the sun, so sun protection is a recommended measure for skin care. After treatment, the skin will quickly regenerate the new tissue. In principle on average, you should see the results in a couple of weeks. To maintain the results of your treatment, you will need several sessions and perhaps other complementary treatments. Some treatments may be vitamins with hyaluronic acid or chemical peels.
  • With this treatment you get greater luminosity and improved skin color; decrease of fine wrinkles and fine lines; and remarkable increase in the smoothness of the skin, and retraction in areas that show sagging or sagging due to gravity.



Face Surgery



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Breast Reduction in a Nutshell

Average Cost

$__________ Plus HST

Surgery Length

2 – 3 Hours

Pain Factor

Synopsis of Surgery:

Breast reduction or reduction mammoplasty is a surgery that aims to reduce the size of the breasts. The reduction and remodeling of the breast is achieved by removing skin, breast tissue and fatty tissue. With this technique a firm, light, well-designed and harmonious breast is achieved.

Alternative Names:



General Anesthesia


3 – 6 days off from work
4 – 6 weeks before resuming physical exercise

Free Consulation

Our Qualified Doctors

Dr. A Hameed

Skin Doctors

Dr. A Hameed

Dr Khurshid Alam

Skin Doctors

Dr Khurshid Alam

Dr Danilo De Gregorio

Skin Doctors

Dr Danilo De Gregorio

Dr Arfat Jawaid

Skin Doctors

Dr Arfat Jawaid


Customer Support!

I cannot thank you enough! After just 2 months of following your skin care routine and treatment recommendations, I can’t believe the amazing results I have already seen! My skin feels so much stronger with diligent use of your skin care and medical peels.

Jessica Miller

Provide Good Service!

I had massive confidence issues that had a very negative impact on my career so I decided to set up an appointment with LHS just to discuss my options. From day one, I felt taken care of. I was never offered anything I didn't need and every procedure was explained to me in full detail. I am so happy with the results. I feel like a new me and I have the team at LHS to thank for it.   ⠀

Nadia Eckles - Legal Associate

Service is Outstanding!

I have had back pain issues for the last decade. I had tried everything before I met with the LHS team who did a whole history and came to the conclusion that I needed a breast lift and reduction surgery. They were so right! The surgery has changed my life and I feel younger and more energetic. It was a great experience with true professionals. Thank you!

Catherine Hart - Housewife

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