Services Skin Clinic

Home Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)

Otoplasty is a simple surgical procedure that offers a definitive solution to "protruding ears" or "ears procidentes". Its implementation entails an important improvement in the aesthetic aspect, with absence of visible scars, and a short hospital stay.


Each individual is different because of the unique physical features they have. But, not everyone like their look; may be because of some dowdiness or for being different from what is normal. This cause distress in them and bring them embarrassment and low self-esteem in many cases. One big source of this discommode is protruding, misshapen or asymmetrical ears. To their remedy, there is a solution called Otoplasty.

Otoplasty is also known as ear pinning or pinnaplasty. It is actually a cosmetic surgical procedure that allows to reposition the prominent ears or “on the shoulder” to a position more attached to the head, or even to reduce the size of larger ears. Generally, it is a surgery performed on children since the ear reaches its adult size around the age of ten, in this way the intervention does not pose a risk to the physical development and provides a pleasing aesthetic contour. It is also important to note that the surgery only affects the outer appearance of the ear, hence does not influence the functioning or the inner structure of the ear.

The ear surgery or Otoplasty usually takes between 1 and 2 hours, however in complex cases it can take more time. It is performed in the operating room, in a clinics or hospital. Depending on the type of anesthesia, the procedure is performed on an ambulatory basis or it will remain in the hospital the night of the surgery. The technique used for Otoplasty will depend on the desired ear changes of the individuals and on what the surgeon deems appropriate. Although there are several surgical approaches to Otoplasty but generically, a small incision is made in the back of the ear to expose the atrial cartilage. Once, exposed, the cartilage is sculpted and folded back also the internal points can be used to maintain the new shape. Occasionally, it may be necessary to remove part of the cartilage to obtain a more natural ear. Finally a wedge of skin is removed from the back of the ear. The scar resulting from the Otoplasty is hidden behind the ear. Most of the time, even if only one ear seems abnormal, the two intervene to achieve a better symmetry.

The ear surgery or Otoplasty usually takes between 1 and 2 hours, however in complex cases it can take more time. It is performed in the operating room, in a clinics or hospital. Depending on the type of anesthesia, the procedure is performed on an ambulatory basis or it will remain in the hospital the night of the surgery. The technique used for Otoplasty will depend on the desired ear changes of the individuals and on what the surgeon deems appropriate. Although there are several surgical approaches to Otoplasty but generically, a small incision is made in the back of the ear to expose the atrial cartilage. Once, exposed, the cartilage is sculpted and folded back also the internal points can be used to maintain the new shape. Occasionally, it may be necessary to remove part of the cartilage to obtain a more natural ear. Finally a wedge of skin is removed from the back of the ear. The scar resulting from the otoplasty is hidden behind the ear. Most of the time, even if only one ear seems abnormal, the two intervene to achieve a better symmetry.

Most patients are well within a few hours of surgery. A bandage is placed around the head immediately after the surgery. The ears may hurt a little the first few days because of soreness, but it is easily relieved with medication. In a few days the bandage is changed to a lighter one similar to a hair ribbon. It is important to follow the instructions of your plastic surgeon regarding the use of the bandage, especially at night. Any activity in which you can bend your ears should be avoided during the first month. Tentatively, most adults return to work 5 days after surgery; children return to school in about 7 days, but the time actually depends on how fast they heal and what they feel.




Face Surgery



0 %


Facelift in a Nutshell

Surgery Length

1 – 2 Hours

Average Cost

$5,000 Plus HST

Surgery Length

1 – 2 Hours

Pain Factor

Synopsis of Surgery:

Otoplasty is the most frequent surgery on the ears that corrects the “ears in the loop”. The surgery is performed to reposition ear to a more normal position, towards the head side, or to reduce the size of larger ears to improve aesthetic appearance.

Alternative Names:

Ear Surgery, Ear Pinning, Pinnaplasty


General Anesthesia


4 – 7 days off from work

Free Consulation

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