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Home Profound Mirconeedling


Women with very large breasts and pendulums can experience a range of medical problems caused by excessive overweight.


More and more men are looking for healthier and younger-looking skin. Over the years, many discover that their skin begins to lose elasticity, becomes thinner and begins to give way. The skin of men is different from that of women in different aspects. The man’s is approximately 25% thicker than that of the woman, its pores are larger, it has less subcutaneous fat and is firmer but has more sebaceous secretion favoring acne. There are different combinations of treatments to rejuvenate your skin. The effect is cumulative and a change will be noticed from the first treatment. Once the dermis begins to produce the new collagen, the sagging of the face and neck improves and begins to look younger and more elastic.


The so-called Mommy Makeover is a unique procedure in the sense that they are actually a personalized combination of several cosmetic treatments in one. It is emerging as a fashion promoted by great international artists who have just become mothers and want to recover the perfection of their body after giving birth. Actually, Mommy Makeover is a set of interventions of plastic surgery, – three, to be exact – whose purpose is to recover the shape and smoothness of the breasts, a completely flat abdomen and eliminate excess fat, especially in the thighs and abdomen.

  • This technique is aimed at all those men who want to improve the appearance of their skin getting a younger and firmer appearance, as well as treating the fat that favors acne. It is a non-invasive and painless procedure that does not need surgical intervention, so it is recommended to all those people who want to avoid other more aggressive procedures.

The Profound (formally known as ePrime™: The Evolastin™ Procedure) is a radiofrequency treatment is a technique of aesthetic medicine directed at treating skin laxity, produces a similar effect lifting without surgery. It is an appropriate procedure for patients with mild or moderate flaccidity of facial tissues. Profound is commonly used to treat the forehead (raising eyebrows and tightens the skin of the forehead), under the eyes (thickens the skin and tightens and lifts the skin of the upper cheek), cheeks (decreases large pores), the line of the jaw (decreases sagging) and the neck (the skin tightens and wrinkles diminish). This treatment stimulates the reproduction of hyaluronic acid, new collagen and elastin.

The first thing that you will have to keep in mind is to make sure that the profound microneedling treatment is in line with what you would like to obtain. That is why, in your initial consultation, our board-certified plastic surgeons will evaluate your health, skin and medical history in order to make sure that the treatment for your specific case does not present contraindications, side effects or possible risks, as well as being perfectly viable for you. In the case of using it as an anti-aging treatment, we assess type of wrinkles, location, prospects of the patient, previous treatments and domiciliary treatments. It can be combined with other anti-aging techniques. There are no age limits to undergo this treatment. As an anti-aging treatment, it should not be used in patients under 30 years of age.

Our surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for the treatment, include guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, taking or avoiding safe medications, and washing your body. Before the treatment try not to sunbathe, as well as carry out any type of physical activity that could lead to skin irritation. Another thing that is important to highlight is that there are cases in which some men are more sensitive and prone to feel pain, which is something that you have to take into account when programming different sessions.

This treatment can be carried out with anesthetic cream in order to gently desensitize the area treated, as well as reduce the sensation of heat. This will be applied and left to act between 30-40 minutes. A trick that is often used to make the anesthetic cream more effective is to put a transparent film like the kitchen, so the action of the anesthetic is more effective.

This technique uses thermal and electromagnetic energies with the application of Gold Microneedles. The thermal energy facilitates the smooth penetration of the Microneedle, which reaches the deep dermis without bleeding and virtually without pain. The electromagnetic current intensifies the effect of radiofrequency, creating micro lesions in the dermis, stimulating the natural healing process. Therefore, there is an intensified production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. To do it, topical cream anesthesia is applied. During the application you feel a sensation of moderate ardor. After the treatment there is a mild burning sensation that only lasts 1 or 2 hours. It does not entail disability for the patient, after the procedure, it will be red for a period of 2 to 3 days. This treatment is conducive to treat: fine wrinkles, sagging, marks of expression and acne scars. It does not require rest – although the skin will be reddened for a period of 2 to 3 days – and is ideal for treating intermediate aging processes.

Once the patient arrives at the clinics, the nurses initiate the cleaning of the skin in order to clean and remove any remaining makeup, cosmetics or dirt that the face may have. Then, using a surgical marker, the doctor delimits the area in question and the smear of a conductive gel, so that, afterwards, the procedure is easier to stop. Finally, the device is placed on the skin and, once it reaches the appropriate temperature, it is moved throughout the face passing through each and every one of the areas that were initially marked. Sometimes the patient may feel a slight itch or discomfort, but nothing is further from this, since the pain sensation in this treatment is non-existent.

  • Although it is not absolutely necessary to carry out any kind of special care, you can use lotions, gels or creams that can soothe or moisturize. In some cases, ice packs or cold water baths can also be used on the treated area.
  • The technique does not create great annoyance and its main advantage is the rapid recovery. The benefits of the treatment are long lasting, since the regenerative process is progressive and gradual. Therefore, the results tend to improve and expand over the months following the treatment session.
  • As we have mentioned above, the side effects of this treatment are practically nil or nonexistent. However, in certain cases, especially in those whose skin may be slightly more sensitive than normal, a minimum redness and warmth in the treated areas may occur, which disappear after 3 to 4 days. The above, would derive, only in extreme cases, in blisters, inflammations and small vesicles, but nothing further from reality, since this is not something that is due to RF, but rather the inappropriate use of the devices inherent in the treatment.
  • Although its optimal results are appreciated after a few days, at the same time of its application you can already observe the effects, in the reduction and erasure of wrinkles or sunspots. Especially striking is the result in the resurfacing of the area of the lips, grooves and commissures, producing a thickening of the dermis of the area, as a result are filled with the collagen itself and naturally the aforementioned areas. The number and periodicity of the sessions varies according to each case. In general, it is recommended to conduct between 4 or more sessions. Depending on the results, it is advisable to repeat a maintenance session at 6 months. With this treatment you get greater luminosity and improved skin color; decrease of fine wrinkles and fine lines; and remarkable increase in the smoothness of the skin, and retraction in areas that show sagging or sagging due to gravity.



Face Surgery



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Breast Reduction in a Nutshell

Average Cost

$__________ Plus HST

Surgery Length

2 – 3 Hours

Pain Factor

Synopsis of Surgery:

Breast reduction or reduction mammoplasty is a surgery that aims to reduce the size of the breasts. The reduction and remodeling of the breast is achieved by removing skin, breast tissue and fatty tissue. With this technique a firm, light, well-designed and harmonious breast is achieved.

Alternative Names:



General Anesthesia


3 – 6 days off from work
4 – 6 weeks before resuming physical exercise

Free Consulation

Our Qualified Doctors

Dr. A Hameed

Skin Doctors

Dr. A Hameed

Dr Khurshid Alam

Skin Doctors

Dr Khurshid Alam

Dr Danilo De Gregorio

Skin Doctors

Dr Danilo De Gregorio

Dr Arfat Jawaid

Skin Doctors

Dr Arfat Jawaid


Customer Support!

I cannot thank you enough! After just 2 months of following your skin care routine and treatment recommendations, I can’t believe the amazing results I have already seen! My skin feels so much stronger with diligent use of your skin care and medical peels.

Jessica Miller

Provide Good Service!

I had massive confidence issues that had a very negative impact on my career so I decided to set up an appointment with LHS just to discuss my options. From day one, I felt taken care of. I was never offered anything I didn't need and every procedure was explained to me in full detail. I am so happy with the results. I feel like a new me and I have the team at LHS to thank for it.   ⠀

Nadia Eckles - Legal Associate

Service is Outstanding!

I have had back pain issues for the last decade. I had tried everything before I met with the LHS team who did a whole history and came to the conclusion that I needed a breast lift and reduction surgery. They were so right! The surgery has changed my life and I feel younger and more energetic. It was a great experience with true professionals. Thank you!

Catherine Hart - Housewife

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